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Technology Moratorium

Frankly, I'm fed up with upgrades and learning new interfaces, hardware and just about anything that I don't already know. Enough with all the wonderfulness.

I propose we stop all techno advances for a year or two, at least. It seems that we no sooner get through learning the 2% of what we really need out of any app, when a brand new version comes out. Stop it!

I want to use this Dell for another three years without feeling inadequate about it not being able to support another platform or app, or whatever.

I don't have a DVD player. Heck, I can't even figure out how to tape Star Trek on my VCR. In fact, there are times when there's a slugfest between my cable, TV and VCR remotes, and no TV viewing gets done that evening. I read a book instead, or yack on the phone. And it's not a fancy phone either. It's a $20 special with a touch pad that has keys as big as your eyeballs. No, I don't use a rotary dial phone.

Don't get me wrong, I like the advances we've made. I'm not longing to go back to six transistor radios, or LPs or 45s (I'm 48:). Does anyone know what those things are anymore? I got rid of most of my vinyl albums. Years ago; I sold them to a used record store. Do they still call it a record store?

Maybe there'll be a phase in interface design that nods back to a bygone era whereby websites will take on the look and feel of, say, a tabletop Zenith cathedral radio. I'd like that. Maybe GM's website will look like the dashboard of an 57 Chevy Nomad.

Of course, while I grouse about the avalanche of new stuff to adapt to, I also keep an eye on things I wouldn't mind using down the road, like voice recognition. Right now voice recognition works great with dictation and apps like 800-555-TELL where the language is either limited or learned. But when I'm on a phone call and I say to an advertiser, "I've had a good time," I don't want my computer barking out "IT'S 4:30PM!." That causes me to start cursing, the response to which is even more amusing.

79 Pine Street, #102 | New York, NY 10005 U.S. | ph: (646) 535-8160 | Contact Larry

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