About Larry Chase Hi there, Thanks for stopping by my site. I'm one of the original pioneers to open up shop on the Internet way back in 1993. Since I've been around the Net longer than most, the news media seeks me out regularly for my insights into the Internet. Business Week, The New York Times, USA Today, Inc. Magazine, CBS, CNBC, CNN, and scores of trade magazines and newsletters either quote me, or syndicate columns and reviews of mine. Author In my book, "Essential Business Tactics for the Net, 2nd Edition" I share with you the lessons learned, the secrets kept, and the winning strategies garnered from my experience and from those of my clients. Some of those clients include: Con Edison, 3Com, EDS, New York Life, AutoByTel, Liberty Mutual, Time Warner, and myriad others, both large and small. Consultant I am a classically trained marketer, who has learned his lessons in New York's most celebrated advertising agencies, such as Young & Rubicam, DDB Needham and Backer Spielvogel Bates. It is through that marketing lens that I view the Internet. With 16 years of experience in traditional marketing, I am able to help my Fortune 500 clients discern which classic marketing principles endure in this new medium and where the new thinking must begin. My integral understanding of both media is my unique selling proposition to clients. Publisher In addition to my book authoring and consulting practice, I publish Web Digest For Marketers, the first online marketing newsletter. Its reviews are read by over 150,000 people monthly. Over 1300 web sites point to it and in any given month, 3 or 4 print publications either quote from it or suggest readers subscribe to it. WDFM reviews have been syndicated to Advertising Age, DM News, Business Marketing Magazine and others. Speaker I'm an internationally recognized speaker about the Internet. I've presented at the Direct Marketing Association, Fidelity Investments, Electrolux, American Society of Travel Agents, Nationwide Insurance, National Leasing, and the Dutch Marketing Society, to name a few. If you're a meeting planner or a speaker bureau and are interested in seeing my press kit and demo tape, contact me. A couple of examples of my speaking topics are:
Generate Instant Inbound Leads on the Internet Prospecting for New Business on the Net Click here for a full list of Speaker Topics. What did I do before the Net? I was a strategic award-winning writer for many New York advertising agencies. For sixteen years I worked on consumer goods, business-to-business accounts, radio, print, TV, direct response, the works. When I found I was writing for a medium I wasn't watching much anymore, I decided to write for a medium I was passionate about, the Internet. That was back in 1993 when I started the first online ad agency and was featured in the press for having done so. This was all long before it was chic to be geek:). The experience and perspective of my background in advertising has been invaluable in these uncharted waters of marketing on the Internet. Well, as you can imagine, I can go on and on about myself, but I won't! Rather, I want you to enjoy the rest of this site and buy the book, and quite possibly some of the other services I offer here:). Thanks for checking me out. Cordially, Larry Chase |
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