Larry Chase - Internet Marketing Consulting

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Command Undo or Control Z

Why can't real life be like online life, where you have the ability to "undo" something and make it as if it never happened? Say you've said something stupid at a company gathering. In a perfect world, you should be able to simply hit control Z, or go to the Edit menu and select "undo." Voila! The stupid statement you made is undone, and you now proceed along as if it were never said. Nice, eh?

Now, say you then saw someone else say that stupid statement and they turned into the life of the party. Well (providing you haven't said anything since the last undone stupid statement) you could simply once again hit control Z or select "undo" from the Edit menu, and bingo, you are now the life of the party.

There are clearly advantages to an online lifestyle as opposed to the offline variety. I wonder how many dot com companies wish they could hit control Z and undo their IPO, or the very company itself, or a career move someone made into that firm?

Alas, there is no Undo in real life. So we're left using only our wits and ability to project into the future to imagine if a move we're about to make would be a candidate for the unattainable "Undo." This is exactly what I ask myself before moving forward with a given endeavor, "What's the likelihood of my wishing I could hit control Z down the road on this project, deal, or relationship?" The practice keeps me out of trouble... most of the time. :)

79 Pine Street, #102 | New York, NY 10005 U.S. | ph: (646) 535-8160 | Contact Larry

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