Larry Chase - Internet Marketing Consulting

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What's Your Clock Speed?

Do you have the pacing of a Basset Hound, a Chihuahua or something in between? If you can run at 1 gig (GB), are you totally bored, or relaxed, when you dial down to 400MH (megahertz)?

Should you always run at top clock speed? Or is it right to let the tide go out and back off to 400MH? And if so, for how long? Is there a built in governor in us that causes us to dial down and watch the emails come in one by one or stare at the coffee dripping or percolating?

Sometimes, when I "let the tide go out," answers come to me. Inspirations for my columns typically don't happen at the keyboard, but in the shower or when waking up. The piece comes together pretty much as I'm rushing to the keyboard. As I write this one, I'm still wet behind the ears. :)

79 Pine Street, #102 | New York, NY 10005 U.S. | ph: (646) 535-8160 | Contact Larry

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